Update from LRTA: 2021 State Fall Meeting Cancelled
September 16, 2021
2021 Fall District Presentation
September 22, 2021

LRTA in the News: Local retired teachers donate books to Boley Elementary

Retired teachers, no matter which subject they taught, understand how reading builds the foundation for learning. After Boley Elementary School in West Monroe caught on fire overnight in 2019, Becky Solley activated the local Units of LRTA District X to lend a helping hand. LRTA District X comprises Caldwell, Jackson, Lincoln, Morehouse, Ouachita and Union parishes.

The Ouachita Citizen recently published an article about the “Books for Boley” project.

Read the article here: https://www.hannapub.com/ouachitacitizen/tempo/schools/local-retired-teachers-donate-books-to-boley-elementary/article_30fdc89a-1638-11ec-acc3-036f5a3100f0.html 

The News-Star Monroe also published an in-depth story about the project, including quotes from members of District X.

Read the article here: https://www.thenewsstar.com/story/news/2021/09/26/boley-elementary-library-gets-book-donations-nela-retired-teachers/8386555002/

Great job, District X!