
Being a part of LRTA is an investment that will help protect your retirement benefits and retirement system for years to come.

An LRTA membership provides value in more ways than one.


LRTA remains the ONLY membership organization solely devoted to advocating on behalf of Louisiana’s retired teachers. Since our organization began in 1956, LRTA has successfully opposed numerous bills that could have negatively impacted retirement benefits. In addition, LRTA has supported bills that have sought to preserve and enhance the benefits of Louisiana’s retired teachers, such as supporting a two percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for eligible retirees in 2022.

Learn more about our work:


We would not be where we are today without a retired teacher leading the way. Our members have created a niche community of retired teachers who have an ever-lasting bond with one another. See below ways you can become involved in the retired educator community in Louisiana.

  • Our local retired teachers associations, or Units, are to backbone of LRTA. Click here for our LRTA Districts and local Units directory to find a Unit near you.
  • Our members continue to do extraordinary work in retirement. Learn more about our members with our Unit and Member Spotlights.
  • Local Units meet on a regular basis throughout the year. Check out our events calendar for the next meeting.


The Louisiana Retired Teachers Association endorses the Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA), an insurance company, to offer products to its members. LRTA members have access to products and services such as dental and vision insurance with AMBA.