In addition, the Senate Retirement Committee heard Senate Bill 10 and reported the bill favorably as amended. LRTA did not take a position on this bill.
Here is the current list of bills LRTA is tracking with the anticipated positions LRTA will take. The LRTA Legislative Committee and Executive Board will officially vote on the positions in the coming weeks.
Now, SB 6 will go before the Senate Finance Committee to confirm funding. In the meantime, start preparing your letters of support to send to your Senator. Click here to download our Golden Letter template to write your letter on. You may use regular notebook or copy paper if you prefer.
In addition, you can download a Word Document sample letter here or a PDF sample letter here to use as a guide as you write your letter. To find your Senator’s contact information, click here.
Although hand-written letters are very effective, you may type your letters on a Word Document if you prefer.
We will send another Action Alert when SB 6 comes before the full Senate. Stay tuned for our next legislative update!
Rodney R. Watson
LRTA Executive Director